Core Principles

Rooted in the science of human development, leadership studies, systems change, and social innovation, The Genuine is built upon four core principles, which apply to individuals, teams, and organizations:

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Uncover Genuine Purpose

Great fulfillment and extraordinary impact results from operating from a powerful, clear and true-to-you higher purpose.


Lead as a Way of Being

Leadership emanates from the intersection of what we take responsibility for and what we deeply care about. Leadership is a way of being, in action. Creating alignment between what we think and feel and what we do is important for both individual leaders organizations.

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Matter More

We all want to matter. Leaders want our work and our organizations to thrive, and generate the greatest positive impact possible. To realize what we seek, there must be a sharp focus on seeing the impact in vivid detail and full color, and designing solutions that incorporate expansive research, generative listening, strategic thinking, and deep understanding.


Evolve from Me to We

Institutions are collections of people, within a system. Our lives are a collection of experiences and relationships, nested in an ever evolving understanding of who we are. Given this, how can we build and sustain powerful and trusting relationships, communities, and friendships that matter deeply? 


The Genuine works flexibly—with individuals, teams, and organizations—to most powerfully support transformative leaps of clarity, alignment, and impact-delivery.